Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catching up, again!

Where to begin. . .

2012 has been BUSY!  Needless to say, I haven't been blogging lately because of school. . . and work. . . and school and work.  Literally, I feel like thats ALL I DO, with the occasional date night on the weekends and time spent with the Mr. at night (which is my favorite part of the day by the way.)  I so look forward to crashing on the couch for a cuddle with my honey every night after I get back from teaching. There is no better feeling.

Now is it just me or do you ever feel like you get stuck in the same exact daily routine day by day, by day, by day??? I don't know, I just feel like I'm going to go crazy some days.  Don't get me wrong,  I absolutely love my job and dancing at school everyday, but some days I just need a break!  Good thing my schooling is nearing an end, sort of.... :)  Spring 2013 please come faster!!!

Although life seems to get so crazy sometimes, it helps me to be truly grateful for those moments in which I can enjoy the small things and the time spend with friends and family.  I am so blessed and realize that more and more as I grow up to just how lucky I really am.

Anyway, back to blogging business.  Me and matt had a great Valentines day.  I started Valentines day off by waking up at 5:30, not something I normally do. . . I was choreographing for my little sisters cheer squad and side note, I am so grateful I don't have wake up that early every day anymore!  HOLY COW.  But once I got home, I had enough time to make cinnamon rolls before matt had to get up for work.  No they were not from scratch unfortunately, but matt loves the Pillsbury Dough ones just as much. ;) So once he woke up I had breakfast and a candy poster waiting for him, because who doesn't love candy on Valentines day??  After matt got off work at 5:30 and me by 8, we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.  On a good note, we only had to wait like 10 min to get seated.  Around 6 when I was headed to work, I think everyone in Bountiful was out to eat...the traffic was nuts!  It turned out being a good idea to go out to eat late on Valentines!  When I had gotten home from work, Matt had flower, my favorite treats, the dishes were all clean and put away, and he had written a sweet note for me.  It was great.  I'm so grateful I have him and love him more and more everyday.  For being such a busy day, it was a great night and a great Valentines Day.  Thanks honey! xoxo

The weekend before Valentines we went to go see "The Vow." Even though I cried like a baby most of the movie, I still liked it.  I wanted it to end a little differently but none the less, I'm a sucker for a good romantic movie. . . especially with Channing Tatum.  ;) That same weekend we had a girls Valentines craft night with dinner and cake pops at Matt's aunts house with all the girls.  They had it decorated SO cute and we had fun making our own Valentines crafts.  I decided to make a rosette wreath.  Little did I comprehend just how long it would actually take to make it.  But, I do want to say that I did finish it by Valentines day, I just didn't have any ribbon or tulle to hang it with.  So by next year,  February 1st it will be up and hanging with red tulle and all.  Just you wait.

 Cheesy but hey, it's Valentines. :) 

 I LOVE flowers

This weekend we decided to finally paint our family room!  We had a lot of fun!  Matt's parents came over to help us and I'm glad they did because I didn't trust myself painting a house for the first time. . . a little too risky for me.  It turned out great and I can't wait to hang up things on the walls!  It's crazy how a little paint can make a room so much more cozy and how much it really changes the atmosphere of the room.  We love it!! Thanks Kevin and Cindy for the help!

 I was laughing during this but this was a very serious matter and I really did take it seriously. . . 

 My husband can be nerdy sometimes, that's why I love him. 

 And after we had finished, you better believe I was covered in paint.  On my legs my arms, the bottom of my foot, my elbow, my face, everywhere!  You're supposed to get messy when painting right?! I think I was the only one who got paint all over themselves. . . with the exception of Matt getting paint on his butt on his nice sweats, twice.  Aw well.  We had fun. :)

Until next time, have a great Presidents Day Holiday!  YAY!!!


I had to share my treats I made for the Super Bowl.  They were a hit.  Thank you pinterest!

Oh and these are delicious as well! Seriously.  Thank you again pinterest!