Saturday, October 15, 2011

Catch Up!

A lot of exciting changes are about to happen. . .
We bought a house!
And I am SO excited to have a place where me and matt can finally be all on our own and call "ours." <3

It will be amazing.  We won't move until the last week or so in November but boy, I can't wait! I'll have to post pictures of our place after we move in. :) 

FALL BREAK. . . . is coming to a close. :( And I'm not excited about it.  This week was SO incredibly nice to take a break from school and focus on uh. . . . homework, and getting caught up on work.  I also took some time for myself and did some crafts ha.  Matt went hunting this week so I had to find something to do to occupy my time while he was gone.  I'll also admit that even though I didn't see him for like 2 days, they were a LONG couple days with out him. I missed him a lot. . .

I found these on some blogs I was browsing and got the itch to be crafty.  So that was fun. . .  :) 

 The Halloween Tutu Wreath!  Just gotta hang it up with a orange sparkly ribbon!  I ran out so I have to go get some more to hang it up with. It's not the best picture, my camera was being funny.
Making the rosettes was the longest process of the entire thing. 

These coasters were super duper easy.  Craft paper, white tiles, and mod podge! (And again, crummy picture sorry)
And with the left over craft paper from the coasters, I made some more refrigerator magnets.

I'm thinking that if I didn't have to go to school, I'd probably sit at home, watch movies and craft all day haha.  I quite enjoyed myself. :) 

Well, happy weekend everyone!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'll take it as a compliment...

A few days ago, while getting a background check for a job, (finger prints and all) I was looked at funny. . . then asked if I was 18 years old.

I laughed a little.

Then I said yeah I'm actually 21.                                      

The nice lady also laughed and then said that I should take that as a compliment and that I will be grateful for my "young face" when I'm an old lady.

Moments like this happen to me on a regular basis. (I'll admit)  Although, I thought that while getting a background check for a "big girl job," this one was pretty great.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?  Or do I just have an even "babier" face than most people...? ha