Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Busy busy busy

So far this summer has treated me and matthew very well.  Events have included...

-St. George
-Bees games
-Strawberry Days rodeo... times 2
-And a couple of dance events... lucky for matt haha 

Any complaints? June is going by too fast!  It just needs to slooooooow down and warm up.  I'm just hoping july and august last a very  LONG TIME.  I'm not ready for it to be over and to start fall semester.  (Although I'll admit I do miss dancing everyday!) 

I also will admit I am wanting August to come quickly for LAKE POWELL!! WOO! Other than that, lets pause this summer where we're at. :) 

ANYway, we've got quite a few pics to prove ourselves... a ton actually! 

So enjoy :) 

Our weekend get-a-way 

My bff

Chopin us some fire wood.

We were pretty proud of our fire.

Cooked our soup in the fire... it really was mmm mmm good

So much water

It got pretty cold!

Love him. 

Good ol camp trailor!  Makes camping even better :) 

Taught this darling girl her solo

She won queen... so proud! 

Beeeees game

Brother and sister in law (Josh and Kelly)

Cute sis Camille and her friend Keato

He makes me laugh, alot. 

Delish cupcakes I made for Landon's homecoming 

They have been my favorite thing to bake lately

Hiking with my man 

Farmington canyon waterfall.  It was FULL.

I like to kiss him sometimes

Can't go anywhere without throwin in some dance somewhere....   Don't mind my flexed foot :/

Matt showin his moves

Part ninja

Ugly form but meh... just havin fun.

Not bad! haha

My hair is hilarious in this pic, and my eyes are half closed... but matt still  thought this was "way cool" haha

Matt has to put up with me saying "take a picture of me doing a cool dance move!" 

BOATING.. finally!  It's only the middle of JUNE! 

My cute mom 

Wudda stud

I like to surf

So does matt

Blake and natalie joined as well

Oh mikelle

My skiin babe

There was a beautiful sunset this night

What a great spray! 

It was the perfect night for boating, minus the bugs :/


Matt loves his horse :) 

As do I... he's turning me into a horse lover. 

So cute

Sparky and Dimples

Rodeo time! CA$H COW! Lots of little kids runny around trying to grab cash offa cow... it's quite funny

Look at me matt and smile.. :)

My turn

Strawberries n' cream! I crave this... SO GOOD! 

Cutest little ponies with there moms

Us at the rodeo and...

Us at the rodeo one year ago... matt worked his magic we say ;) I had so much fun on this date! 

And a firework show to end the night! 

They were great.

Happy Happy Summer! 


  1. so cute Hay!! you two are so adventurous! and your dance pics are amazing of course:)

  2. what a fun summer!! i'm glad you are having fun.
