Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New Happenings

Sorry I've been MIA for quite some time. . . . a lot has been going on these past couple months!  Just since March we have:
  • become an Aunt and Uncle to a beautiful baby girl, Kenzlee. SO fun!
  • said goodbye to my childhood doggy Tansy who I miss so so much :(
  • said hello to an adorable new puppy that my parents bought named Libby.  Love her so much!
  • started my final stretch of schooling....YES!
  • been to many competitions for my Jazz Club girls...who rocked their dances this year! SO proud of them. I love my job.
  • said goodbye to my sisters boyfriend who will be serving in Africa for 2 years...we'll miss him!
  • starting a new job (not me, matt) and being excited about not answering hundreds of phone calls a day.
  • hikes, drives in the mountains, air shows--waiting on rodeo, camping, and boating season to begin! I love summer time! 
Obviously, I've been to occupied with life to blog. ;) But I'm back and have a few updates. 

(And sorry for random mix of phone pics and instagram pics.  Not the best quality!) 

This sad little face was Tansy just right before we put her down.  She was fighting cancer and was so so sick. It was so hard to watch her suffer in pain so we knew that this was the right thing to do.  I always new this day would be hard but I didn't expect it to be this hard.  Dogs really do become members of the family and we all had such a special place for her in our heart.  I believe that there is a doggy heaven so I'm sure we'll get to see her again.  Until then, love and miss you pup! 

Everyone meet the newest member of the Folsom family.  Libby is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel...royalty for sure!  This is her when she is like 9 weeks old but now she is 3 months and has changed so much!  Grows like a baby and is spoiled by all of us that's for sure!  We use to talk about what would happen after Tansy was gone and if we were going to get another dog or not and my parents always said that we wouldn't.  Well, my dad saw her and couldn't resist!  Who could?! She is so stinking cute and the sweetest dog.  We also didn't think that after losing a dog we would get another one so quickly and actually it has really helped with the loss of Tansy.  Coming home to an empty house was so weird and we all missed having a dog to cuddle with and follow you around.  We're not comparing, but we love her so much!  Puppy stage is fun but a lot of work.  (I'm speaking for my parents.)  The whole potty training thing isn't easy... bless her heart.  She's learning. . . . . . kind of.  When she stops peeing in the house and biting with her razor sharp puppy teeth she'll be perfect. :) 
I love her face!

Josh (Matt's older brother) and Kelli had their cute baby girl Kenzlee on May 7th.  She is so spoiled being the first grandchild and we all love her so much!  This makes me so excited for motherhood.  I could hold her all day!  I love being an aunt!

Matt loves holding his niece! And yes it was Matt's idea to put his sunglasses on her.

Last weekend me and Matt hiked up to Elephant Rock in Mueller Park Canyon.  I hadn't hiked up there since I was like 8 so it was fun.  It was so nice to get out in the fresh air for a change of scenery.  I love spendin time with my man!

This weekend we also headed up to Hill Air Force Base to watch the air show.  It was a lot of fun!  We are defiantly going to go again next year.  It was so cool!  If you haven't ever watch an air show you're totally missin out.  CRAZY stunts... so cool! 

I don't know if I've ever mentioned how much I love my job. . . . but I love it, a lot.  I love little kids, I love dance, and I love teaching.  This competition season my teams did GREAT!  I'm so proud of them!  In a few weekends I'll be headed to St. George with my teams for a dance convention at the Tuacahn Theater.  I'm so excited! I'll be sure to make a post about it later.

"Jealous of my Boogie"-production

"G-Slide" -Mini's 

 "Absolutely Me"- Junior's 

Last night my cute sister said goodbye to her best friend for 2 years.  He'll be serving in Angola, Africa.  We love them together and wish him (and her) the best of luck!  Matt and Keaton get along so well so we'll miss our double dates we use to have but we'll see him in 2 years! 

Can't wait to see what the rest of summer has in store!

Friday, April 6, 2012

The big 2-5

Last weekend we celebrated Matt's 25th birthday.  Yep, that's right. . . the BIG 2-5!

Matt's first choice was to go to McDonalds for breakfast. . . yes.  You heard right.  I threw out the idea of Kneaders french toast, Village Inn. . . but McDonalds it was!  (The new Centerville McDonalds of course.)

After breakfast we headed up into the mountains to listen to the Saturday morning session of conference.  Anyone that knows my husband knows that he LOVES the mountains.  He brought his guns as well so we could "shoot guns" up there also.  (I'm still trying to find the fun in "shooting guns" haha.  They just scare me.)  It was such a beautiful day!  The sun was out and it was starting to feel like Spring!  Unfortunately, it was a little bit too windy to sit in our lawn chairs and listen to conference so, we just sat in the car.  It was nice to get away for a little bit and such a great scenic view while listening to conference!

After that we drove to the T-Mobile store to buy Matt a new cell phone.  His iphone had seen better days and he was in desperate need of a new one.  Lets just say the "Samsung Galaxy Blaze" made him one happy boy. :)

After the cell phone we stopped by Kohls to do some shopping for the Birthday boy, and then we headed home to relax for a bit.

Later that night Matt went to priesthood while I got some things done around the house.  Once he got home his dinner of choice was Tucano's, Brazilian Grill of course!  The roasted pineapple is enough of a reason to go there. . . . DELICIOUS.   Because of conference weekend and the craziness of downtown, we didn't have a reservation until 9 but it ended up working out perfectly.  We enjoyed the yummy food and left with too-full of tummies.  Needless to say he was one happy boy and I am one lucky girl.

Everyday I realize more and more how blessed I am to have such a loving, caring, and supportive husband.  He is the one that keeps me going and keeps me sane.  I am so lucky to have him in my life and words can't express how much I love him.  I'm so grateful for my eternal best friend and don't know what I would do without him!

Happy Birthday Mattie!!

 Don't mind our squinty eyes, it was bright! 

Love him. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break Projects

Oh man, I love spring break.  It's amazing how much I can get done during the day when I'm not at school!

Here are some projects I've been working on and have finally finished!

This was just an old lamp I had, thought I'd spice it up a little bit and put it in our bedroom. 

I didn't realize how long it would take me to finish it. . .

 80 rosettes later, a couple burnt fingers, and some paint. . . and it was finished! 

 I also finished my burlap wreath.  Good for "year around."

I love being home. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

I've Been Tagged

Tag You're It:
I've been "tagged" by my dear friend Whitney.  I never done this before.

Maybe it will be fun. :) 

Here are the rules.
1. Post these Rules. 
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things. 
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post. 
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them. 
5. Go to their blog/twitter/fb and tell them you've tagged them.

 11 Random Things about me...

1.  I have never and will never eat a hot tamale.  It's just one of those weird things.  I don't really like cinnamon candy like that, but I just refuse to try them.  It's just one of those things.
2.  If I was done with school I would have a baby right now.  I'm so incredibly baby hungry it's ridiculous.  I've always been this way but it's gotten worse since I've been married. 
3.  I have never had short hair.  Nor have I ever dyed it.  I'm way too scared to do either.
4. If I could make crafts all day long I would.  I've always loved crafting, I just wish I had more time to do it! 
5.  I love pasta.  I could eat it for every meal if I wasn't worried about gaining weight in all the wrong places. ha
6.  I haven't really been shopping since I've been married.  Granted I don't really need more clothes, but I've always just love getting new things every now and then, who doesn't?  Ever since I met Matt I started saving every last dime from my paycheck, versus spending them on clothes. . . I had a feeling I should start saving my money after I met him. ;) 
7.  I LOVE popcorn.  Easily one of my favorite snacks. 
8. I have this reoccurring dream at least once a month that my teeth just start falling out.  They get so loose that when I talk they just start falling out and I have to cup my hand to my mouth to catch all my teeth.   It's my WORST NIGHTMARE and I have it ALL THE TIME!
9. I have never really liked chocolate.  Chocolate cake, chocolate frosting,  brownies, chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream. . . .  YUCK.  But I'll eat some chocolate like candy bars and some chocolate chip cookies and stuff but I'm super picky about it.  I just prefer vanilla over chocolate.   
10.  When I get really nervous I blush real bad or get blotchy.  I hate it.  The first time I noticed it was when I was in like 5th grade, back stage getting ready to compete a solo and I was so freaked out by it that I ran out to go find my mom just minutes before I had to dance.  I think it made me more nervous than I was to dance. 
11.  One of my life long goals is to visit Europe.  I never been out of the country (Besides visiting Niagara Falls in Canada for a couple hours) but I would love to some day. I would especially love to go to France or Germany.

Questions Whit wanted me to answer: 

1. What scares you the most?
I'd say that losing someone really close to me is my biggest fear.  I can't imagine anything scarier       than that.  I'm an emotional baby about everything.  
2. What do you love to do?
Obviously I love to dance...duh.  But lately I have just loved getting home from work and cuddling up to Matt and watching a movie, or some stupid show like WIPE OUT on t.v.  Those moments where I don't have to do anything and can just relax at home with the hubby are my favorite.  I wait for this moment all day. 
3. Where do you want to be 5 years from now?
In mine and matt's dream home up in Park City.  We've always wanted to live up there and we are going to make it happen, just you wait. ha ;) Oh, and I would LOVE to have some children by then also. What can I say, I'm baby hungry. :)
4. Who is your hero?
Honestly, I'd have to say my mom.  I admire her in so many ways and hope and pray that I can one day be the mom to my kids as she has been to us.  She is practically perfect in my eyes.  
5. If you could go back in time, what time period would you go to and why?
I would love to have lived in the Romantic Era... in my dance history class we've been learning about the development of ballet and such and I just wish I was born in that era.... I might have actually been tall with really long legs if I was a dancer in that era! 
6. What makes you laugh the most?
WIPE OUT. . . I'm serious.  That show cracks me up.  Always good for a good laugh.  Oh and my sister Camille makes me laugh too.  When we get together we are always laughing about something I swear.   
7. What's your dream job?
To be a mommy.  Seriously, that's my dream job.  I can't WAIT for the day!  But, if I had to chose something else I'd have to say a Dance Teacher in a high school.  I love teaching and I love dancing so it is the perfect combination.  That's what I'm going to school for so it better pay off someday! ;) 
8. What's something that you have learned up to this point in your life?
I've learned that life is just a series of stages.  You can find happiness in each of those stages but to not linger in the past and to really live and find happiness in the "now."  So deep. 
9. What's something that really stands out to you from your childhood?
I have this weird memory of me and my brother when we were living in our old house in Bountiful.  We shared a bunk bed and I remember making up songs with Blake while still laying in bed, singing about what we were going to do that day.  They usually would be something like, "First I'll wake up, and then go get some breakfast... probably have some rice crispy treats, then we'll watch some cartoons..." and they would go on and on.  I was like 4 or 5.  Haha funny memory I have of us two, especially if you know my brother at all.  
10. What is your favorite part of the day?
Once I get home from teaching. . . .around 9 o'clock at night is my favorite time of the day.  That's when I get to spend time with the husband finally!
11. What is one of your goals in life?
To open up a small dance studio in my basement with a big mirror and beautiful hard wood floor.  In NO WAY do I want to open up my own competition studio or anything so completely time consuming, but to have that as a side job to just teach some classes and to have some fun little dance recitals. 

Here are some questions for...
Jamie Smith
Sarah Edwards

1. Where is your favorite place to shop?
2. What is your favorite pass time? 

3. If you could be anyone, who would you be? 
4. What is your favorite color? 
5. If you could have any job in the world, what would you like to do? 
6. What is your dream car? 
7. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be? 
8. What is your favorite book? 
9. What's your favorite restaurant? 
10. How many children are you wanting to have? 
11. Why do you blog? 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catching up, again!

Where to begin. . .

2012 has been BUSY!  Needless to say, I haven't been blogging lately because of school. . . and work. . . and school and work.  Literally, I feel like thats ALL I DO, with the occasional date night on the weekends and time spent with the Mr. at night (which is my favorite part of the day by the way.)  I so look forward to crashing on the couch for a cuddle with my honey every night after I get back from teaching. There is no better feeling.

Now is it just me or do you ever feel like you get stuck in the same exact daily routine day by day, by day, by day??? I don't know, I just feel like I'm going to go crazy some days.  Don't get me wrong,  I absolutely love my job and dancing at school everyday, but some days I just need a break!  Good thing my schooling is nearing an end, sort of.... :)  Spring 2013 please come faster!!!

Although life seems to get so crazy sometimes, it helps me to be truly grateful for those moments in which I can enjoy the small things and the time spend with friends and family.  I am so blessed and realize that more and more as I grow up to just how lucky I really am.

Anyway, back to blogging business.  Me and matt had a great Valentines day.  I started Valentines day off by waking up at 5:30, not something I normally do. . . I was choreographing for my little sisters cheer squad and side note, I am so grateful I don't have wake up that early every day anymore!  HOLY COW.  But once I got home, I had enough time to make cinnamon rolls before matt had to get up for work.  No they were not from scratch unfortunately, but matt loves the Pillsbury Dough ones just as much. ;) So once he woke up I had breakfast and a candy poster waiting for him, because who doesn't love candy on Valentines day??  After matt got off work at 5:30 and me by 8, we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.  On a good note, we only had to wait like 10 min to get seated.  Around 6 when I was headed to work, I think everyone in Bountiful was out to eat...the traffic was nuts!  It turned out being a good idea to go out to eat late on Valentines!  When I had gotten home from work, Matt had flower, my favorite treats, the dishes were all clean and put away, and he had written a sweet note for me.  It was great.  I'm so grateful I have him and love him more and more everyday.  For being such a busy day, it was a great night and a great Valentines Day.  Thanks honey! xoxo

The weekend before Valentines we went to go see "The Vow." Even though I cried like a baby most of the movie, I still liked it.  I wanted it to end a little differently but none the less, I'm a sucker for a good romantic movie. . . especially with Channing Tatum.  ;) That same weekend we had a girls Valentines craft night with dinner and cake pops at Matt's aunts house with all the girls.  They had it decorated SO cute and we had fun making our own Valentines crafts.  I decided to make a rosette wreath.  Little did I comprehend just how long it would actually take to make it.  But, I do want to say that I did finish it by Valentines day, I just didn't have any ribbon or tulle to hang it with.  So by next year,  February 1st it will be up and hanging with red tulle and all.  Just you wait.

 Cheesy but hey, it's Valentines. :) 

 I LOVE flowers

This weekend we decided to finally paint our family room!  We had a lot of fun!  Matt's parents came over to help us and I'm glad they did because I didn't trust myself painting a house for the first time. . . a little too risky for me.  It turned out great and I can't wait to hang up things on the walls!  It's crazy how a little paint can make a room so much more cozy and how much it really changes the atmosphere of the room.  We love it!! Thanks Kevin and Cindy for the help!

 I was laughing during this but this was a very serious matter and I really did take it seriously. . . 

 My husband can be nerdy sometimes, that's why I love him. 

 And after we had finished, you better believe I was covered in paint.  On my legs my arms, the bottom of my foot, my elbow, my face, everywhere!  You're supposed to get messy when painting right?! I think I was the only one who got paint all over themselves. . . with the exception of Matt getting paint on his butt on his nice sweats, twice.  Aw well.  We had fun. :)

Until next time, have a great Presidents Day Holiday!  YAY!!!


I had to share my treats I made for the Super Bowl.  They were a hit.  Thank you pinterest!

Oh and these are delicious as well! Seriously.  Thank you again pinterest! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

So long 2011...hello 2012!

Happy New Year!  I can't believe it's already 2012!  This past year came and went so fast for me.  It was a such a great year!  2012 has a lot to live up to :) 

Christmas was great.  We spent a lot of time with family and loved every minute of it.  We are so blessed to have the families that we do.  We were definitely spoiled this year! After living in our house for about a month we are finding out just how much stuff you need to fill a house, it's crazy!  Most of our Christmas this year were gifts to fill our home, but it was just what we needed!  Thanks to our parents!! We love you.

We also celebrated our 1st anniversary on Friday, December 30th.  It was a fun day!  Matt told me he had to work until 5 so I was planning on waiting to celebrate after that.  Little did I know he was being sneaky and got it off.  He woke up as if he was going to work, and then rang the door bell and had flowers for me.  It was a great start to the day!     

After some yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast, we went to see "War Horse" at the Megaplex in Centerville. It was actually a really good movie!  Although, I cried through about 90% of it, but I'm a huge cry baby.  It's embarrassing.  It had a great story line to it and was done really well, I wouldn't be apposed to watching it again.  Go go see it. :)

When we walked in the theater though, their was sound but no picture on the screen.  Bummer.  We ended up waiting for about 15 minutes for the screen to be "re-booted," and even after that, no picture.  A few minutes later a employer came in and apologized for the inconvenience and gave us all free movie tickets.  Sweet!  It ended up being not to bad of a deal after all!  

After the movie, we got pulled over for making an "illegal U-turn."  Yay.  Me, still being emotional from the movie, started crying.  I told Matt I could probably cry my way out of this one but he didn't think that would have worked for him.  The cop came back with a warning, yes!  We kept slippin through!  So far, great day.  

After we got home from the movie, we were just going to change and head off to my little cousins baptism.  Matt had been laying on the couch feeling sick.  Oh great.  So while I was getting ready, I heard some unpleasant sounds coming from the bathroom.  Yes, throw up noises.   It came out of no where! This was the first time I had EVER seen him get sick like this :(  Well, he told me he was fine to go to the baptism, so apprehensively, off we went.

After the baptism, he came home and laid down for a bit before we went to dinner.  He was either faking it REALLY WELL, or he was starting to act like he was feeling a lot better.  We went to Teppanyaki for dinner and it was delicious!  It had been a long time since either of us had been there so we were really excited.  It was a fun dinner! 

After being ridiculously full, we came home and watched our wedding video.  Isn't that a rule? haha it brought back wonderful memories and made me wish I could go back to that day. Honestly, it was so incredibly perfect.  I may have even gotten a little emotional. ;) 

We ended up being wayy too full to even try our cake that night, so we saved it for another night.  And because it had been in the freezer for the year, I was a little apprehensive about making BOTH of us sick.  So we did have a itsy bitsy taste of it the other night. . . . I had high hopes but, it was gross.  I took out my knife we cut it with and everything but it just wasn't the same.  Aww shoot.  It's alright, it was fun to bring it out and to say we tried it. :) 

 This was our early, most expensive Christmas present to each other :)  
 Well worth it though! 
 Our first Christmas! 
 Matt was excited for his bluetooth headset 
 I absolutely love this infinity pendant neckace Matt got for me <3

 You can never go wrong with roses!  Happy Anniversary to us! 
(I couldn't find a vase so I had to improvise)

The weather was a little bit different today than it was a year ago!
December 30, 2010. . . . FREEZING. 

 Teppanyaki was DELICIOUS!! Such a fun dinner. 

CAKE time!

The True Test. . . . 

AND. . . . we decided it tasted better a year ago haha
The delicious red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting was actually a little TOO moist for comfort. 

Thanks to our parents, we got some awesome gifts for our house. 
We love the shelving unit and entry table :) Good thing I have a handy man for a husband who can put these types of things together! 

We had a great holiday break and can't wait for what 2012 has in store for us!

Happy New Year Everyone!