In August my family took a trip to Lake Powell with some family friends.
Perfect weather, perfect 84 degree water, perfect week long trip in Paradise.
I want to go back. . . .
Blake's pretty darn good at wake boarding. . . .
That's my cute hubby
I have the sweetest sister-in-law on the planet! She's getting pretty good at the water sports! Blake may be a small part of that ;)
Love my little mikelle
My cute momma!
Matthew lookin studly
I get MAJOR air. I know.
This would be the "sand hill"
We walked all the way up it and ran. . . . no, sprinted down it. And seriously, it is SO much steeper than it looks! I'm not kidding. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was tough!!
Awesome workout though :)
That little yellow and black speck is our boat.
Proving we all made it.
And then I tumbled :)
This video is hilarious. It's matt and camille's boyfriend Keato racing down the sand hill at full sprint. They tied.
This video just gives you an idea of how fast they were actually running compared to the girls. haha
All the gang!
CLIFF JUMPING. . . yikes! I was a chicken.
My husband is seriously nuts, my family was impressed by him, I was just freaked out.
Matt had to jump higher than everyone else. . . the cliff was not big enough for him :/
Scared me to death
Headed to go get some tasty grub at the restaurant at Antelope Point!
The food was amazing, but the portions were HUGE. Good for leftovers.
I can be cheesy sometimes
Last day Matt was here:( He had to leave the trip early to go back to work, I missed him the rest of the week!!! First time ever being away from him, it was tough I'm not gonna lie!
I love my sisters more than anything
Gettin our tan on!
Classic, love her.
Tubing through the channel- I haven't laughed that hard sense!
My dad is great.
He took this picture and thought it was awesome because it looks like the sun beam is giving our tube powers. . . totally dad :)
I love this place.
Last night, all of us at the restaurant again! -minus the Allens and husband :(
Mikelle asked for a "side" of fries, and because their portions are ENORMOUS, we shouldn't have expected to get anything less than a full on basket of fries. . . we all got to share them. haha
Calzones, huge.
Pizza, huge. And delicious!
Ready to EAT
Goodbye Lake Powell.
Until next time. . .
I'll be dreaming about you.